How to Write a Leadership Dissertation

Leadership Dissertation

If you want to write a leadership dissertation, there are three main components that you need to consider. These are the Research component, Style, and Methodology. Before you can begin writing, you must do some preliminary research. To do this, you should read scholarly articles, books, and papers that relate to the topic. Then, you need to include some relevant points at the beginning of your leadership dissertation. You should also state a thesis statement and back it up with evidence for dissertation help

Research component

A leadership dissertation’s research component involves an inquiry to examine a problem in leadership practice. The student’s work will be guided by a qualified inquiry supervisor, typically a faculty member in the College of Education at Seattle University. This project must have a real-world impact and should be focused on issues that address pressing social problems.

The research component of a leadership dissertation involves gathering information about leadership from diverse sources and applying a deductive approach to uncover data. The course begins with a general point of view and moves towards specifics. During this process, two primary trends of thinking emerged: one that sees leadership as a function of individuals’ personal characteristics and another that views leadership as a social learning process.


When completing your dissertation on leadership, it is important to choose a topic that is both engaging and challenging. There are many areas to explore and consider when choosing a topic, such as ethics, culture, COVID-19, digital innovation, and many others. Below are some tips by dissertation writing services to help you choose a topic that will allow you to engage critically and make an impact on your audience.

The best place to begin when researching leadership styles is by identifying the organizational situation and culture that exists in the organization. The different styles have different strengths and weaknesses, and the culture of the organization may moderate the relationship between styles and organizational performance. For example, leaders who practice transformational style often begin by articulating their vision and mission and building valuable change in their followers.

Delegation leaders are less controlling and give group members a great deal of autonomy. While they can be useful in situations where experts have little influence, this style can lead to poor decisions and a lack of motivation. Delegation leaders can also be perceived negatively, with people labeling them as controlling and close-minded.


The methodology of leadership dissertation research involves collecting data using a research questionnaire. The questions are specific to the leadership dissertation topic, and the questionnaire is sent via email. The responses are recorded using Qualtrics Survey Software. The survey is sent to identified contacts who are either directly asked to answer the questionnaire or forwarded to faculty members in the program. The first email was sent in December, with 12 reminders sent until March 2019. The survey contained program-specific questions.

There are several methods to use when developing a methodology. Many research methods of leadership dissertation writers are applied to different types of studies, but they generally differ in what the desired outcome is. The goal of the research is to identify the best approach to collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Methodologies are not designed to create new knowledge, but to identify and analyze existing information.

Leadership studies Ph.D. programs should emphasize research methods. They should have a curriculum and classes that prepare students for this type of work. It is also important to understand what methods are currently used in leadership studies. In addition to learning how to conduct research, Ph.D. students should also know how to present the findings of their research.

Principle of leadership

There are two major schools of thought regarding the principle of leadership. The dominant theory of leadership suggests that leadership is the ability to influence a group of people toward the achievement of specific goals. The other school of thought holds that leadership is an act of persuasion, and it has to do with the personality of a leader.
