Best Ways to Take Care of an Alocasia Hilo Beauty Plant

alocasia hilo beauty

Are you trying to find a stunning plant with eye-catching color patterns? Perhaps the ideal plant for you to choose next is the Alocasia Hilo beauty or Caladium Praetermissum! This gorgeous plant from the Hawaiian Islands is a tropical plant that enjoys warmth, bright indirect sunlight, and humidity! With a few simple guidelines, you can maintain the excellent appearance of your Hilo Beauty for many years to come. It’s a very low-maintenance plant.

We’ll look at how to care for this tropical plant in your home in our plant care guide. We’ll cover every aspect of caring for the Hilo Beauty, such as when and how much watering it requires, how much sunlight it needs, and even things you might not need right away, such as repotting and ways to multiply this gorgeous plant.

Now let’s get going and find out how we may support the Caladium Hilo Beauty’s success in your home!

How Often Should I Give My Hilo Beauty Caladium Waterings?

The most crucial aspect of plant maintenance is giving them the right amount of water.  Since every plant is unique, it is crucial to provide your Alocasia Hilo beauty with the right amount of water to keep it healthy and flourishing. Watering the plant too little or too much might harm it, and in severe situations, even kill it. Observing the soil is the best method to determine whether your Hilo Beauty needs to be watered.

Though it dislikes sitting in soggy soil, the Hilo beauty loves damp soil. You should inspect the soil every few days to make sure you’re watering your plant correctly. Before you water your plant once more, you must make sure the top of the soil is dry. You can accomplish this by inserting a skewer or your finger inside the soil. Water your plant if the top 5 cm (2 inches) of soil is dry. If not, try again after a few more days.

It’s challenging to determine the precise frequency of watering your Hilo Beauty because it depends on a variety of factors, like the time of year, the climate where you reside, and the warmth of your home. It’s crucial to continue inspecting the soil because of this. You usually water your plant once a week on average. To avoid overwatering your plant, examine the soil before applying any water.

What type of Lighting is Required for the Alocasia Hilo Beauty?

Tropical plants like the Alocasia Hilo beauty grow best in bright, indirect light. Its best location would be one that receives bright, indirect light throughout the day. It likes a lot of light. The easiest approach to give your Alocasia Hilo Beauty the ideal amount of light is to put it outside in partial shade or next to a bright window.

This would be great for the plant if you have access to a screened-in space with lots of bright light. If that kind of space isn’t available to you, consider setting the plant on an east-facing windowsill, where it will still receive plenty of indirect light without being overly exposed to it.

Your Alocasia Hilo beauty will start to develop browned leaves if it receives excessive amounts of direct sunshine. These appear to be patches of brown and yellow on the leaves. However, you can grow your Hilo Beauty in an area with low to medium light levels. Its growth will be slower, and its leaves will gradually lose their lovely patterns and turn an even shade of green.

Make sure you position your Hilo Beauty somewhere it receives enough bright, indirect light throughout the day to keep it happy and to give it the best chance of thriving.

What Temperature is Best for the Alocasia Hilo Beauty?

The Hilo Beauty is a native of Hawaii, as we learned in the introduction, therefore it enjoys the warmer temperatures and tropical climate. The Hilo Beauty prefers temperatures between 16°C and 32°C (60°F and 90°F). The Hilo Beauty enjoys warm weather, but you should monitor it, particularly in the summer when temperatures exceeding 32°C (90°F) can harm or even kill the plant. Lower than 16°C (60°F) temperatures will also make the leaves lanky and discolored, and they may even kill the plant.

Is Fertilization Required for the Alocasia Hilo Beauty?

For Alocosia Hilo Beauty, fertilization is essential because of its rapid growth and enormous size. It has grown to be a “heavy feeder” as a result. Fertilizing regularly is critical to the health of these heavy feeders.

During the spring and summer growing seasons, the ideal approach to fertilize a Hilo beauty is once every two weeks using an all-purpose liquid fertilizer like a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20. You run the risk of overfertilizing your Hilo Beauty plant and inadvertently burning the roots of the plant with fertilizer in the winter because the plant won’t absorb it.

Make sure the soil is slightly damp before applying the fertilizer if you’re not using a liquid type. Avoid getting fertilizer in contact with the plant’s leaves or stems by applying it around the base of the plant. Water the fertilizer carefully after application so that your Hilo Beauty’s roots can absorb it. All you have to do, if you’re using a liquid fertilizer, is mix it into the water when you water your plant.

In Summary

We’ve covered how to take care of your Alocasia Hilo beauty in this plant care guide. Alocasia hilo beauty is a huge, quick-growing houseplant. It prefers a growing habitat that is damp but not soggy and has lots of bright indirect sunlight. In warmer regions, it can be moved outside; but, in colder climates, it needs to be protected from frost and freezing temperatures by having mulch placed on its base or wind protection applied.

Although the plant is resistant to most pests, leaf blight, sunburn, overfeeding, and underwatering can still be avoided with careful attention. Hilo Beauty can be propagated from seed or by division, but it is best to do so in the spring or summer when the plants can recuperate more rapidly.
